Concentration Fatigue Thread – Unrolled

This is an unrolled version of my Twitter thread on tips for combating concentration fatigue. You can find the original thread here.

I’ve been watching so many hearing people discover concentration fatigue for the first time over the quarantine. As a deaf person, here are my top tips:

1) Figure out your limits. I can’t go for longer than about 40 mins (if that) of constant listening before my brain goes kaput.

2) Now you know when your brain will give up, take a break (if you can). Go and make a cup of tea. Fuss the dog. Spend five to ten minutes in silence.

3) Listen to music. My Spotify minutes rivaled my hearing friends’ at 120K last year because I use music to relax between listening sessions. Stick something on that is easy for you to listen to, you know the words to and will make you feel positive.

4) Plan ahead. If you know you have three back to back meetings with five minutes in between, make sure you have food and water with you. For my two-hour seminars this year, I always turned up with a mug of Earl Grey and a tub of flapjacks.

5) Improve your audio quality. For me, that may be utilizing a loop system, using my Roger Pen or a BSL interpreter. For you, that may be investing in a better set of headphones. It will be worth it in the long run – I promise.

6) Communicate your needs. If you need a break, ask for one. Don’t suffer in silence. You may need more space away from your family to recharge. If this is the case: please ask for it! An hour on your own can make such a difference.

7) Make sure you are sleeping properly. Sleep deprivation can be such a barrier and significantly worsen concentration fatigue. Eat as best as you can, stay hydrated, and go for your hour walk. You will feel better: I promise.

8) Finally: please be patient with yourself. Your body can only do so much and expecting it to perform miracles rarely works. Make sure you are doing something fun to relax each evening.

I hope this has been somewhat helpful!


Also Jessica Kellgren-Fozard’s video “I’m too tired to listen to you” goes over some really helpful tips, as well as explaining what concentration fatigue is like for deaf people.

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